Product Performance

Real-time product reports for developing a high-performing assortment that improves retention and loyalty

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Product Attractiveness

Know exactly which products and brands are generating customer loyalty and which are churning your customers. Use this knowledge to improve product assortment and create better experiences that boost both your CLV and sales.

Product Experience

Leverage the power of pre and post-acquisition NPS surveys to find how satisfied your customers are and use their feedback to make customer-centric adjustments of product variety and improve the customer experience at all levels.

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Generate growth for your online store based on unified insights about product performance!

Give Reveal a try! Available on Shopify and other platforms. 

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Product Success

Identify your top products, brands, and categories with automated reporting that allows you to analyze top-performers by numbers of orders, Revenue, Margin, or RFM group. Get the most out of your best-performing products and stay on top of your competition.


Our clients are using REVEAL’s features to achieve better, sustainable results.

5/5 (+50 reviews)
5/5 case study

“When I saw that there are few customers that have a big impact in terms of revenue for each year and that we are constantly losing a lot of customers, I realised the right thing to do is to look deeper into the customer data.”

Cristian Movila

Former Director of eCommerce ,

Let REVEAL show you the most effective way to Customer Value Optimization

Install Reveal on Shopify

Install a plugin that makes the most out of your first-party data without affecting your dev team’s workload or your store’s speed performance.

Install Reveal on other platforms

Reveal integrates by reading and interpreting JSON feeds through automated or manual import/export or through API access.